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From different media: 


From different media: 

The press on and with André Kirsebom:

André Kirsebom has partisipated and been interweied in many TV and Radio programs. Below are some examples. 

TV2 program: Partisipering in Norge bak fasaden:
TV NRK: Many programs through the years. A new comming up later in 2021. 

Radio P4 on House Clearing   ​P4 om husrens 
The podcast Alternativ: Interview 

News-paper Bærum Budstikke: Bærum budstikke om husrens


The Magazine Medium:
I have been working as a medium for the magazin "Medium" for many years. In this magazine I have a colum of Question and Answers on mediuship and healing. They have also written about me for many years doing mediumship and house Clealing. The last two year I have also written a serie of articles theacing healing and mediumship.
Below are links to som of my Articles.  

Mediumship i in the house of Edward Munchs
House Claring: - Fra ubehag til harmoni.

House Claring in Oslo

From Questions and Answers about healig 


I have been the editor and written the leader of the membership magazine "Spiritualisten" since 2008. Link to webpage whit some magazinse are here: 

Medlemsblader (

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