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English books to come


Books ready for publication - To be published

Healer’s Secrets
       - How to develop your healing
by André Kirsebom, translated by Marie Holm, PhD

This book is based on an investigation on 25 of the world’s best healers. If you want to become one of the best, you need to study the best.
Therefor we ask:
- What made them so good?
- What can we learn from studying them?


Healer’s Secrets zooms in on 21 historic and 4 present-day healers, their work and their lives. Based on extensive materials we present 15 hypotheses about how they became so good. In addition, 4 hypotheses regarding health psychology are evaluated.


To understand the power and evidence of healing a separate chapter outlines international research. So far almost all research on healing has asked: “Does healing work?” We consider this a fact. This study focusses on how you can improve your healing and become a better healer, a great healer.


Healer’s Secrets give you down-to-earth advice on how you can improve the results of your healing.  It also looks at important topics like healing of cancer patients and highlight the necessity of healing the world.


The author, André Kirsebom DSNU is a healer, medium and teacher. Through literature, research and visiting healers, he has studied healing and healers for many years. Now you have the possibility to share his extensive knowledge to unlock you own healing abilities!


Mediumship - in Theory and Practice

by André Kirsebom, translated by Marie Holm, PhD

This comprehensive book is a valuable tool to develop your mediumship, both on your own and together with others. The book’s content allows you to reach beyond your psychic abilities to delve fully into improving all aspects of your mediumship. The author demystifies mediumship and gives you precious information from his years of experience to enable you to inspire and empower people along their life journey.

Read more about the book on this page. 

The Privileged - a spiritual cirme novel.
Not jet translated. 

Flyktningstrømmen til Norge og Europa fortsetter og det er mange som velger å tjene penger på dette. Den unge politikvinnen Isabell Hegre får et tilbud om å lede en privat etterforskning av drapet på sin halvbror Tom, som ble drept mens han etterforsket ulovlig innvandring. Saken viser seg å avdekke en internasjonal liga som har spesialisert seg på ulovlig innvandring i Rolls Royce klassen.
Med seg i dette arbeidet får Isa et meget uvanlig team som har ferdigheter innen både teknikk og åndelig kommunikasjon. Når ordinære metoder kommer til kort får de hjelp fra ånden til den avdøde politimannen. Sammen med de store pengene kommer også store utfordringer og farlige situasjoner for Isabell og hennes team.

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